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Official Spelling Bee Account Blasts Angry White Kid

Before I really even begin this article, I don't understand why the Scripps National Spelling bee gets primetime placement on major television networks. Thinking back to 5th and 6th grade, I don't even remember there being a handful of people that attended the middle school spelling bee. I didn't even know the National Spelling Bee even had an official twitter account. Why is it called a Spelling "bee"?

See, this is how little I care about a dweeb ass spelling bee.

However, even though I don't keep up with/care/understand the reasoning behind this at all, I know better than to call out a twitter account that literally is probably only used to correct people's grammar. In fact, that would probably be the most bomb ass marketing campaign on the planet - to create an official twitter account for the Spelling Super Bowl and just correct hundreds of people's spelling every day. If Scripps decided to become twitter hit-men, I think you'd have no choice but to watch the competition... right?

Unfortunately, not all human beings are as smart and perfect as me. Because of this, some white goober got ripped so hard by @ScrippsBee that he deleted his twitter account. He didn't just delete the tweet, he DELETED HIS ENTIRE ACCOUNT.

Shoutout to @themotherfanboy for snagging this screenshot before savage twitter eliminated Kyle and his sweater-mirror-selfie from the twitterverse.

I guess you can't blame Kyle - it does seem pretty silly to have a "comfort couch" for those who lose so that they don't get as upset (it's the spelling bee for Christ's sake). But you can't really feel sorry for him either.

I really hope Scripps takes this incident and runs with it. It would be a must-follow account if they decided to go Seal-Team Scripps and blast everyone that hides in dumb-twitter.

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